Centenary Reflection by Praesidium President
Good afternoon Father, good afternoon Brothers and Sisters
“Who is she that comes forth as the morning, Rising fair as the moon, bright as the sun and terrible as an army set in battle array”
She is Mary – Our Mother
Today you celebrate with The Legion of Mary; the centenary anniversary of its founding. For 100 years, this Association of Catholics, who with the sanction of the Church and the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate; have formed themselves into a Legion for service in the warfare which is perpetually waged by the Church against the world and its evil powers.
We remind ourselves of the legacy left to us by those legionaries who established the Legion where we are, the officers and members who served, most of all the deceased.
We should also call to mind the persons who have crossed our paths in the course of our Legion apostolic works.
So too we remember with gratitude the many Bishops, Priests and Religious who have supported the Legion down through the years; and we pay special tribute to you; our parish members.
A second aspect of Legion devotion is the Immaculate Conception: and as members we are trustees of this devotion – working on the single principle of Mary and apostleship.
The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary.
So what have we done in the last 100 years? Remembering that the legionary is called to be a leaven in society; our works over the past 100 years are not loud and flashy (except when we sang Christmas carols at the bus stop waiting for the delayed 157 at West Croydon!). It consisted of actively reaching out to all souls; bringing the faith to those who have faltered (or have never known it); joy to those who are sick or housebound and succour to the troubled.
Today’s celebration includes members from our neighbouring praesidia … (onto our slides)
It is a great privilege, an honour and a blessing to be able to do this part of God’s work. I invite you all to come and join the Legion.
And as I close – we thank God and Our Blessed Lady for the millions of graces they have showered upon us – members and contacts alike – since the foundation of the Legion of Mary.